October 9, 2020

Improve Member Onboarding with Document Process Automation

Shiv Kamal
Two coworkers working on computers with document processing vector image

With Insurance Open Enrollment opening this week, Health Payers are now busier than ever!  While maintaining provider directories and preparing ANOCs (Annual Notice of Change) and EOCs (Evidence of Coverage) can be stressful, client onboarding activities can be equally demanding. Today, we discuss how a Document Process Automation tool like Blue Relay can help make New Member Onboarding easy. 

Streamline Onboarding with Repeatable Actions

When onboarding a new member into an insurance plan, plenty of important documents are passed back and forth during the review process. With a document process automation tool, you can streamline repeatable actions and tasks. That includes document review and approval for member materials such as ANOCs and EOCs.  

With process automation, member materials will automatically be forwarded to the next person along the review and approval chain. No more long email chains, updating Excel files manually with the most recent status updates, or missed communications. Customized Workflows are easy to implement and update so no document review task gets missed.  

Checklists Makes sure Nothing is Missed

When trying to remain CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services) compliant, no mistake can be taken lightly. It’s important that the entire processing of the documents is secure and the content is correct. A document process automation tool will force compliancy with automated checklists that you can customize to suite your needs. 

By adding checklists any reviewer would have to manually confirm they have completed each task before passing on the document. The checklist tool removes human error and makes it easier for a new reviewer to understand their tasks. This makes life easy for the reviewer, and also provides accurate records in case of a future audit.  

Workload Balancing Prevents your Team from being Overburdened

Any truly great document process tool will provide complete transparency over the member material review process. With dashboards and automated reports, you will gain real-time access to your teams’ workload; what is due now and what needs to be completed in the future. They also know what stage each document is at, and who is responsible for completing the next review task. 

Having a view into the team allows managers to assign and reassign work during some of the busiest times of Open Enrollment. No document review task is missed, and team members will not feel overburdened. 

Get Started with Blue Relay to Automate your Member Onboarding Process

Blue Relay is a Document Process Automation Tool that can help your company adjust to working remotely and remain HIPAA Compliant. Blue Relay helps with Workflow Automation, Team Collaboration, and Document Review and Approval Get your company back on track while remaining compliant.

  • 100% Virtual Implementation
  • Seamless Onboarding and Training
  • Pre-built Workflows and Dashboards

Try Blue Relay for Free

Start bulk processing your documents now with a secure, cloud-hosted, instance of Blue Relay.

There are no restricted product features and we can provide you a complimentary white glove experience to get you onboard quickly.

It’s completely free to use for 60 days – no credit card, no hassle.

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